Innovate Landfill Solution Canada

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Small Business Challenges

Competing with Big Chains in Data-Driven Marketing and Customer Engagement Local restaurant owners face significant challenges competing against large chains. With their vast resources, these chains can harness big data to uncover customer trends, optimize marketing strategies, and effectively manage events. The imbalance in access to tools like SEO and Google Reviews puts individual owners at a disadvantage, making it difficult for them to reach potential customers. While big chains meticulously gather and leverage customer feedback through reviews, small business

Plastic’s Hidden Impact

Plastic pollution on Hawaiian beaches is becoming a pressing environmental issue. Despite the picturesque image of pristine beaches, the reality is quite different. A significant amount of plastic waste, carried by ocean currents, ends up on Hawaii’s shores, where it breaks into microplastics. These tiny particles, smaller than 5 millimeters, are often hidden in the sand and can have harmful effects on wildlife and marine ecosystems. Microplastics originate from larger plastic items that degrade due to sunlight and ocean currents.